Yoshua Bengio

Affiliation: Unknown


  • SpeechBrain: A General-Purpose Speech Toolkit

    SpeechBrain is an open-source and all-in-one speech toolkit. It is designed to facilitate the research and development of neural speech processing technologies by being simple, flexible, user-friendly, and well-documented. This paper describes the core architecture designed to support several tasks of common interest, allowing users to naturally conceive, compare and …

  • Variational Causal Networks: Approximate Bayesian Inference over Causal Structures

    Learning the causal structure that underlies data is a crucial step towards robust real-world decision making. The majority of existing work in causal inference focuses on determining a single directed acyclic graph (DAG) or a Markov equivalence class thereof. However, a crucial aspect to acting intelligently upon the knowledge about …

  • Invariance Principle Meets Information Bottleneck for Out-of-Distribution Generalization

    The invariance principle from causality is at the heart of notable approaches such as invariant risk minimization (IRM) that seek to address out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization failures. Despite the promising theory, invariance principle-based approaches fail in common classification tasks, where invariant (causal) features capture all the information about the label. Are …

  • Predicting Unreliable Predictions by Shattering a Neural Network

    Piecewise linear neural networks can be split into subfunctions, each with its own activation pattern, domain, and empirical error. Empirical error for the full network can be written as an expectation over empirical error of subfunctions. Constructing a generalization bound on subfunction empirical error indicates that the more densely a …

  • The Causal Neural Connection: Expressiveness, Learnability, and Inference

    One of the central elements of any causal inference is an object called structural causal model (SCM), which represents a collection of mechanisms and exogenous sources of random variation of the system under investigation (Pearl, 2000). An important property of many kinds of neural networks is universal approximability: the ability …

  • Discrete-Valued Neural Communication

    Deep learning has advanced from fully connected architectures to structured models organized into components, e.g., the transformer composed of positional elements, modular architectures divided into slots, and graph neural nets made up of nodes. In structured models, an interesting question is how to conduct dynamic and possibly sparse communication among …

  • The Causal-Neural Connection: Expressiveness, Learnability, and Inference

    One of the central elements of any causal inference is an object called structural causal model (SCM), which represents a collection of mechanisms and exogenous sources of random variation of the system under investigation (Pearl, 2000). An important property of many kinds of neural networks is universal approximability: the ability …

  • Learning Neural Causal Models with Active Interventions

    Discovering causal structures from data is a challenging inference problem of fundamental importance in all areas of science. The appealing scaling properties of neural networks have recently led to a surge of interest in differentiable neural network-based methods for learning causal structures from data. So far differentiable causal discovery has …