Jiho Jin

Affiliation: Unknown


  • Two-Step Question Retrieval for Open-Domain QA

    The retriever-reader pipeline has shown promising performance in open-domain QA but suffers from a very slow inference speed. Recently proposed question retrieval models tackle this problem by indexing question-answer pairs and searching for similar questions. These models have shown a significant increase in inference speed, but at the cost of …

  • Translating Hanja historical documents to understandable Korean and English

    The Annals of Joseon Dynasty (AJD) contain the daily records of the Kings of Joseon, the 500-year kingdom preceding the modern nation of Korea. The Annals were originally written in an archaic Korean writing system, `Hanja', and translated into Korean from 1968 to 1993. However, this translation was literal and …

  • Models and Benchmarks for Representation Learning of Partially Observed Subgraphs

    Subgraphs are rich substructures in graphs, and their nodes and edges can be partially observed in real-world tasks. Under partial observation, existing node- or subgraph-level message-passing produces suboptimal representations. In this paper, we formulate a novel task of learning representations of partially observed subgraphs. To solve this problem, we propose …

  • HUE: Pretrained Model and Dataset for Understanding Hanja Documents of Ancient Korea

    Historical records in Korea before the 20th century were primarily written in Hanja, an extinct language based on Chinese characters and not understood by modern Korean or Chinese speakers. Historians with expertise in this time period have been analyzing the documents, but that process is very difficult and time-consuming, and …

  • Translating Hanja Historical Documents to Contemporary Korean and English

    The Annals of Joseon Dynasty (AJD) contain the daily records of the Kings of Joseon, the 500-year kingdom preceding the modern nation of Korea. The Annals were originally written in an archaic Korean writing system, `Hanja', and were translated into Korean from 1968 to 1993. The resulting translation was however …

  • KoBBQ: Korean Bias Benchmark for Question Answering

    The BBQ (Bias Benchmark for Question Answering) dataset enables the evaluation of the social biases that language models (LMs) exhibit in downstream tasks. However, it is challenging to adapt BBQ to languages other than English as social biases are culturally dependent. In this paper, we devise a process to construct …

  • CReHate: Cross-cultural Re-annotation of English Hate Speech Dataset

    English datasets predominantly reflect the perspectives of certain nationalities, which can lead to cultural biases in models and datasets. This is particularly problematic in tasks heavily influenced by subjectivity, such as hate speech detection. To delve into how individuals from different countries perceive hate speech, we introduce CReHate, a cross-cultural …

  • CREHate: A CRoss-cultural English Hate Speech Dataset

    Most NLP datasets neglect the cultural diversity among language speakers, resulting in a critical shortcoming in hate speech detection and other culturally sensitive tasks. To address this, we introduce CREHate, a CRoss-cultural English Hate speech dataset. To construct CREHate, we follow a two-step procedure: 1) culture-specific post collection and 2) …

  • HyperCLOVA X Technical Report

    We introduce HyperCLOVA X, a family of large language models (LLMs) tailored to the Korean language and culture, along with competitive capabilities in English, math, and coding. HyperCLOVA X was trained on a balanced mix of Korean, English, and code data, followed by instruction-tuning with high-quality human-annotated datasets while abiding …