
  • Neural Prophet

    NeuralProphet is an easy to learn framework for interpretable time series forecasting. NeuralProphet is built on PyTorch and combines Neural Networks and traditional time-series algorithms, …

    Keywords: time series, forecasting, human in the lopp, machine learning, Python, PyTorch

  • Newspaper3k

    Newspaper3k is a Python 3 package for News, full-text, and article metadata extraction. It has many features including: (1) multi-threaded article download framework; (2) news …

    Keywords: article scraping, multilingual, Python

  • node2vec

    The reference implementation of the node2vec algorithm for unsupervised graph representation learning.

    The node2vec framework learns low-dimensional representations for nodes in a graph by optimizing …

    Keywords: graph representation learning, random walks, neural network, skipgram, Python

  • nodevectors

    This package implements fast/scalable node embedding algorithms. This can be used to embed the nodes in graph objects and arbitrary SciPy CSR Sparse Matrices. It …

    Keywords: node embeddings, graph representation learning, Node2Vec, Python

  • normflows

    A PyTorch implementation of normalizing flows. Many popular flow architectures are implemented including GLOW, NICE, Real NVP, Masked Autoregressive Flow, Planar Flow, Radial Flow and …

    Keywords: normalising flows, GLOW, NICE, Real NVP, Neural Spline Flow, generative model, probabilistic programming, Python, PyTorch


    Causal structure inference from observational data using continuous optimisation.

    Keywords: causal inference, causal structure learning, DAGs, Bayesian Networks, machine learning, Python, PyTorch

  • OpenAI Jukebox

    The Pytorch implementation of the OpenAI paper titled "Jukebox: A Generative Model for Music" by P. Dhariwal, H. Jun, C. Payne, J. W. Kim, A. …

    Keywords: OpenAI, Jukebox, generative modelling, deep generative model, music, deep learning, deep neural network, machine learning, PyTorch

  • OpenAssistant

    OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so.

    Keywords: large language model, LLM, assistant, chat bot, discord, machine learning, natural language processing, NLP, chatGPT, Python, PyTorch

  • Optuna

    Optuna is an automatic hyperparameter optimization software framework, particularly designed for machine learning. It features an imperative, define-by-run style user API. Thanks to our define-by-run …

    Keywords: hyper-parameter optimization, hyper-parameter tuning, Python

  • PairNorm

    The official implementation of the PairNorm normalisation layer for graph neural networks (GNNs). It is useful for tackling the oversmoothing problem in deep GNNs and …

    Keywords: graph neural networks, oversmoothing, layer normalisation, GNN, PyTorch, Python, PyTorch Geometric