
  • Attention-based Deep Multiple Instance Learning

    The official implementation of a method for multiple instance learning using deep neural networks and attention mechanism.

    Keywords: multiple instance learning, deep learning, attention, PyTorch, weak classification

  • Attri2Vec

    The reference implementation for the attri2vec algorithm.

    Keywords: Attri2vec, representation learning, graph machine learning, node classification, link prediction

  • AugLy

    AugLy is a data augmentations library that currently supports four modalities (audio, image, text & video) and over 100 augmentations. Each modality’s augmentations are contained …

    Keywords: data augmentation, machine learning, Python, PyTorch

  • AutoGL

    AutoGL is an AutoML framework & toolkit for machine learning on graphs. AutoGL is developed for researchers and developers to conduct AutoML on graph datasets …

    Keywords: AutoML, graph neural architecture search, machine learning, graph neural networks, NAS, GraphNAS, Python, PyTorch

  • Backprop

    Backprop is a Python library for fine-tuning and deploying machine learning models. It includes pre-trained models for natural language processing, e.g., question answering, text summarisation, …

    Keywords: neural networks, pre-trained models, fine-tuning, library, natural language processing, computer vision, Python, PyTorch

  • BagGraph

    Implementation of multiple instance learning (MIL) with the interactions between bags modelled using a Bayesian graph neural network (GNN).

    Keywords: multiple instance learning, graph neural networks, Bayesian, MIL, GNN, machine learning, Python, Keras, TensorFlow

  • BCD Nets

    Implements scalable variational inference methods for Bayesian structure learning. Bayesian Causal Discovery Nets (BCD Nets) is a variational inference framework for estimating a distribution over …

    Keywords: causal machine learning, causal structure learning, Bayesian methods, variational inference, Python, Jax

  • Benchmarking GNNs

    A framework for benchmarking the performance of graph neural network algorithms including datasets.

    Keywords: graph neural network, machine learning, datasets, benchmark, graph convolutions, PyTorch

  • BERTScore

    BERTScore leverages the pre-trained contextual embeddings from BERT and matches words in candidate and reference sentences by cosine similarity. It has been shown to correlate …

    Keywords: evaluation metric, text generation, text similarity, language model, NLP, natural language processing, Python, PyTorch

  • BetaVAEImputation

    As missing values are frequently present in genomic data, practical methods to handle missing data are necessary for downstream analyses that require complete datasets. In …

    Keywords: variational auto-encoder, VAE, beta VAE, data imputation, genomics, Python, PyTorch