Deep Iteration Assisted by Multi-level Obey-pixel Network Discriminator (DIAMOND) for Medical Image Recovery

Moran Xu, Dianlin Hu, Weifei Wu, Weiwen Wu

Image restoration is a typical ill-posed problem, and it contains various tasks. In the medical imaging field, an ill-posed image interrupts diagnosis and even following image processing. Both traditional iterative and up-to-date deep networks have attracted much attention and obtained a significant improvement in reconstructing satisfying images. This study combines their advantages into one unified mathematical model and proposes a general image restoration strategy to deal with such problems. This strategy consists of two modules. First, a novel generative adversarial net(GAN) with WGAN-GP training is built to recover image structures and subtle details. Then, a deep iteration module promotes image quality with a combination of pre-trained deep networks and compressed sensing algorithms by ADMM optimization. (D)eep (I)teration module suppresses image artifacts and further recovers subtle image details, (A)ssisted by (M)ulti-level (O)bey-pixel feature extraction networks (D)iscriminator to recover general structures. Therefore, the proposed strategy is named DIAMOND.

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