Cockpit: A Practical Debugging Tool for Training Deep Neural Networks

Frank Schneider, Felix Dangel, Philipp Hennig

When engineers train deep learning models, they are very much "flying blind". Commonly used approaches for real-time training diagnostics, such as monitoring the train/test loss, are limited. Assessing a network's training process solely through these performance indicators is akin to debugging software without access to internal states through a debugger. To address this, we present Cockpit, a collection of instruments that enable a closer look into the inner workings of a learning machine, and a more informative and meaningful status report for practitioners. It facilitates the identification of learning phases and failure modes, like ill-chosen hyperparameters. These instruments leverage novel higher-order information about the gradient distribution and curvature, which has only recently become efficiently accessible. We believe that such a debugging tool, which we open-source for PyTorch, represents an important step to improve troubleshooting the training process, reveal new insights, and help develop novel methods and heuristics.

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