Bilingual Terminology Extraction from Comparable E-Commerce Corpora

Hao Jia, Shuqin Gu, Yuqi Zhang, Xiangyu Duan

Bilingual terminologies are important machine translation resources in the field of e-commerce, which are usually either manually translated or automatically extracted from parallel data. The human translation is costly and e-commerce parallel corpora is very scarce. However, the comparable data in different languages in the same commodity field is abundant. In this paper, we propose a novel framework of extracting e-commercial bilingual terminologies from comparable data. Benefiting from the cross-lingual pre-training in e-commerce, our framework can make full use of the deep semantic relationship between source-side terminology and target-side sentence to extract corresponding target terminology. Experimental results on various language pairs show that our approaches achieve significantly better performance than various strong baselines.

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