Automatic coarsening in Algebraic Multigrid utilizing quality measures for matching-based aggregations

Pasqua D'Ambra, Fabio Durastante, Salvatore Filippone, Ludmil Zikatanov

In this paper, we discuss the convergence of an Algebraic MultiGrid (AMG) method for general symmetric positive-definite matrices. The method relies on an aggregation algorithm, named \emph{coarsening based on compatible weighted matching}, which exploits the interplay between the principle of compatible relaxation and the maximum product matching in undirected weighted graphs. The results are based on a general convergence analysis theory applied to the class of AMG methods employing unsmoothed aggregation and identifying a quality measure for the coarsening; similar quality measures were originally introduced and applied to other methods as tools to obtain good quality aggregates leading to optimal convergence for M-matrices. The analysis, as well as the coarsening procedure, is purely algebraic and, in our case, allows an \emph{a posteriori} evaluation of the quality of the aggregation procedure which we apply to analyze the impact of approximate algorithms for matching computation and the definition of graph edge weights. We also explore the connection between the choice of the aggregates and the compatible relaxation convergence, confirming the consistency between theories for designing coarsening procedures in purely algebraic multigrid methods and the effectiveness of the coarsening based on compatible weighted matching. We discuss various completely automatic algorithmic approaches to obtain aggregates for which good convergence properties are achieved on various test cases.

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