Distinction Maximization Loss: Efficiently Improving Out-of-Distribution Detection and Uncertainty Estimation by Replacing the Loss and Calibrating

David Macêdo, Cleber Zanchettin, Teresa Ludermir

Building robust deterministic neural networks remains a challenge. On the one hand, some approaches improve out-of-distribution detection at the cost of reducing classification accuracy in some situations. On the other hand, some methods simultaneously increase classification accuracy, uncertainty estimation, and out-of-distribution detection at the expense of reducing the inference efficiency. In this paper, we propose training deterministic neural networks using our DisMax loss, which works as a drop-in replacement for the usual SoftMax loss (i.e., the combination of the linear output layer, the SoftMax activation, and the cross-entropy loss). Starting from the IsoMax+ loss, we create each logit based on the distances to all prototypes, rather than just the one associated with the correct class. We also introduce a mechanism to combine images to construct what we call fractional probability regularization. Moreover, we present a fast way to calibrate the network after training. Finally, we propose a composite score to perform out-of-distribution detection. Our experiments show that DisMax usually outperforms current approaches simultaneously in classification accuracy, uncertainty estimation, and out-of-distribution detection while maintaining deterministic neural network inference efficiency. The code to reproduce the results is available at https://github.com/dlmacedo/distinction-maximization-loss.

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