The Search and Rescue Game on a Cycle

Thomas Lidbetter, Yifan Xie

We consider a search and rescue game introduced recently by the first author. An immobile target or targets (for example, injured hikers) are hidden on a graph. The terrain is assumed to dangerous, so that when any given vertex of the graph is searched, there is a certain probability that the search will come to an end, otherwise with the complementary {\em success probability} the search can continue. A Searcher searches the graph with the aim of finding all the targets with maximum probability. Here, we focus on the game in the case that the graph is a cycle. In the case that there is only one target, we solve the game for equal success probabilities, and for a class of games with unequal success probabilities. For multiple targets and equal success probabilities, we give a solution for an adaptive Searcher and a solution in a special case for a non-adaptive Searcher. We also consider a continuous version of the model, giving a full solution for an adaptive Searcher and approximately optimal solutions in the non-adaptive case.

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