Scalable Distributed Optimization of Multi-Dimensional Functions Despite Byzantine Adversaries

Kananart Kuwaranancharoen, Lei Xin, Shreyas Sundaram

The problem of distributed optimization requires a group of networked agents to compute a parameter that minimizes the average of their local cost functions. While there are a variety of distributed optimization algorithms that can solve this problem, they are typically vulnerable to "Byzantine" agents that do not follow the algorithm. Recent attempts to address this issue focus on single dimensional functions, or assume certain statistical properties of the functions at the agents. In this paper, we provide two resilient, scalable, distributed optimization algorithms for multi-dimensional functions. Our schemes involve two filters, (1) a distance-based filter and (2) a min-max filter, which each remove neighborhood states that are extreme (defined precisely in our algorithms) at each iteration. We show that these algorithms can mitigate the impact of up to F (unknown) Byzantine agents in the neighborhood of each regular agent. In particular, we show that if the network topology satisfies certain conditions, all of the regular agents' states are guaranteed to converge to a bounded region that contains the minimizer of the average of the regular agents' functions.

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