Fashion Recommendation Based on Style and Social Events

Federico Becattini, Lavinia De Divitiis, Claudio Baecchi, Alberto Del Bimbo

Fashion recommendation is often declined as the task of finding complementary items given a query garment or retrieving outfits that are suitable for a given user. In this work we address the problem by adding an additional semantic layer based on the style of the proposed dressing. We model style according to two important aspects: the mood and the emotion concealed behind color combination patterns and the appropriateness of the retrieved garments for a given type of social event. To address the former we rely on Shigenobu Kobayashi's color image scale, which associated emotional patterns and moods to color triples. The latter instead is analyzed by extracting garments from images of social events. Overall, we integrate in a state of the art garment recommendation framework a style classifier and an event classifier in order to condition recommendation on a given query.

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