Weakly Supervised Deep Instance Nuclei Detection using Points Annotation in 3D Cardiovascular Immunofluorescent Images

Nazanin Moradinasab, Yash Sharma, Laura S. Shankman, Gary K. Owens, Donald E. Brown

Two major causes of death in the United States and worldwide are stroke and myocardial infarction. The underlying cause of both is thrombi released from ruptured or eroded unstable atherosclerotic plaques that occlude vessels in the heart (myocardial infarction) or the brain (stroke). Clinical studies show that plaque composition plays a more important role than lesion size in plaque rupture or erosion events. To determine the plaque composition, various cell types in 3D cardiovascular immunofluorescent images of plaque lesions are counted. However, counting these cells manually is expensive, time-consuming, and prone to human error. These challenges of manual counting motivate the need for an automated approach to localize and count the cells in images. The purpose of this study is to develop an automatic approach to accurately detect and count cells in 3D immunofluorescent images with minimal annotation effort. In this study, we used a weakly supervised learning approach to train the HoVer-Net segmentation model using point annotations to detect nuclei in fluorescent images. The advantage of using point annotations is that they require less effort as opposed to pixel-wise annotation. To train the HoVer-Net model using point annotations, we adopted a popularly used cluster labeling approach to transform point annotations into accurate binary masks of cell nuclei. Traditionally, these approaches have generated binary masks from point annotations, leaving a region around the object unlabeled (which is typically ignored during model training). However, these areas may contain important information that helps determine the boundary between cells. Therefore, we used the entropy minimization loss function in these areas to encourage the model to output more confident predictions on the unlabeled areas. Our comparison studies indicate that the HoVer-Net model trained using our weakly ...

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