Optimizing Differentially-Maintained Recursive Queries on Dynamic Graphs

Khaled Ammar, Siddhartha Sahu, Semih Salihoglu, M. Tamer Ozsu

Differential computation (DC) is a highly general incremental computation/view maintenance technique that can maintain the output of an arbitrary and possibly recursive dataflow computation upon changes to its base inputs. As such, it is a promising technique for graph database management systems (GDBMS) that support continuous recursive queries over dynamic graphs. Although differential computation can be highly efficient for maintaining these queries, it can require a prohibitively large amount of memory. This paper studies how to reduce the memory overhead of DC with the goal of increasing the scalability of systems that adopt it. We propose a suite of optimizations that are based on dropping the differences of operators, both completely or partially, and recomputing these differences when necessary. We propose deterministic and probabilistic data structures to keep track of the dropped differences. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the optimizations can improve the scalability of a DC-based continuous query processor.

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