DNNShield: Dynamic Randomized Model Sparsification, A Defense Against Adversarial Machine Learning

Mohammad Hossein Samavatian, Saikat Majumdar, Kristin Barber, Radu Teodorescu

DNNs are known to be vulnerable to so-called adversarial attacks that manipulate inputs to cause incorrect results that can be beneficial to an attacker or damaging to the victim. Recent works have proposed approximate computation as a defense mechanism against machine learning attacks. We show that these approaches, while successful for a range of inputs, are insufficient to address stronger, high-confidence adversarial attacks. To address this, we propose DNNSHIELD, a hardware-accelerated defense that adapts the strength of the response to the confidence of the adversarial input. Our approach relies on dynamic and random sparsification of the DNN model to achieve inference approximation efficiently and with fine-grain control over the approximation error. DNNSHIELD uses the output distribution characteristics of sparsified inference compared to a dense reference to detect adversarial inputs. We show an adversarial detection rate of 86% when applied to VGG16 and 88% when applied to ResNet50, which exceeds the detection rate of the state of the art approaches, with a much lower overhead. We demonstrate a software/hardware-accelerated FPGA prototype, which reduces the performance impact of DNNSHIELD relative to software-only CPU and GPU implementations.

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