Geometric deep learning for computational mechanics Part II: Graph embedding for interpretable multiscale plasticity

Nikolaos N. Vlassis, Waiching Sun

The history-dependent behaviors of classical plasticity models are often driven by internal variables evolved according to phenomenological laws. The difficulty to interpret how these internal variables represent a history of deformation, the lack of direct measurement of these internal variables for calibration and validation, and the weak physical underpinning of those phenomenological laws have long been criticized as barriers to creating realistic models. In this work, geometric machine learning on graph data (e.g. finite element solutions) is used as a means to establish a connection between nonlinear dimensional reduction techniques and plasticity models. Geometric learning-based encoding on graphs allows the embedding of rich time-history data onto a low-dimensional Euclidean space such that the evolution of plastic deformation can be predicted in the embedded feature space. A corresponding decoder can then convert these low-dimensional internal variables back into a weighted graph such that the dominating topological features of plastic deformation can be observed and analyzed.

Knowledge Graph



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