MT-SNN: Spiking Neural Network that Enables Single-Tasking of Multiple Tasks

Paolo G. Cachi, Sebastian Ventura, Krzysztof J. Cios

In this paper we explore capabilities of spiking neural networks in solving multi-task classification problems using the approach of single-tasking of multiple tasks. We designed and implemented a multi-task spiking neural network (MT-SNN) that can learn two or more classification tasks while performing one task at a time. The task to perform is selected by modulating the firing threshold of leaky integrate and fire neurons used in this work. The network is implemented using Intel's Lava platform for the Loihi2 neuromorphic chip. Tests are performed on dynamic multitask classification for NMNIST data. The results show that MT-SNN effectively learns multiple tasks by modifying its dynamics, namely, the spiking neurons' firing threshold.

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