Stratified Certification for k-Induction

Emily Yu, Nils Froleyks, Armin Biere, Keijo Heljanko

Our recently proposed certification framework for bit-level k-induction-based model checking has been shown to be quite effective in increasing the trust of verification results even though it partially involved quantifier reasoning. In this paper we show how to simplify the approach by assuming reset functions to be stratified. This way it can be lifted to word-level and in principle to other theories where quantifier reasoning is difficult. Our new method requires six simple SAT checks and one polynomial-time check, allowing certification to remain in co-NP while the previous approach required five SAT checks and one QBF check. Experimental results show a substantial performance gain for our new approach. Finally, we present and evaluate our new tool Certifaiger-wl which is able to certify k-induction-based word-level model checking.

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