A Brief Note on Building Augmented Reality Models for Scientific Visualization

Mrudang Mathur, Josef M. Brozovich, Manuel K. Rausch

Augmented reality (AR) has revolutionized the video game industry by providing interactive, three-dimensional visualization. Interestingly, AR technology has only been sparsely used in scientific visualization. This is, at least in part, due to the significant technical challenges previously associated with creating and accessing such models. To ease access to AR for the scientific community, we introduce a novel visualization pipeline with which they can create and render AR models. We demonstrate our pipeline by means of finite element results, but note that our pipeline is generally applicable to data that may be represented through meshed surfaces. Specifically, we use two open-source software packages, ParaView and Blender. The models are then rendered through the platform, which we access through Android and iOS smartphones. To demonstrate our pipeline, we build AR models from static and time-series results of finite element simulations discretized with continuum, shell, and beam elements. Moreover, we openly provide python scripts to automate this process. Thus, others may use our framework to create and render AR models for their own research and teaching activities.

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