Catoni-style Confidence Sequences under Infinite Variance

Sujay Bhatt, Guanhua Fang, Ping Li, Gennady Samorodnitsky

In this paper, we provide an extension of confidence sequences for settings where the variance of the data-generating distribution does not exist or is infinite. Confidence sequences furnish confidence intervals that are valid at arbitrary data-dependent stopping times, naturally having a wide range of applications. We first establish a lower bound for the width of the Catoni-style confidence sequences for the finite variance case to highlight the looseness of the existing results. Next, we derive tight Catoni-style confidence sequences for data distributions having a relaxed bounded~$p^{th}-$moment, where~$p \in (1,2]$, and strengthen the results for the finite variance case of~$p =2$. The derived results are shown to better than confidence sequences obtained using Dubins-Savage inequality.

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