Distance-based detection of out-of-distribution silent failures for Covid-19 lung lesion segmentation

Camila Gonzalez, Karol Gotkowski, Moritz Fuchs, Andreas Bucher, Armin Dadras, Ricarda Fischbach, Isabel Kaltenborn, Anirban Mukhopadhyay

Automatic segmentation of ground glass opacities and consolidations in chest computer tomography (CT) scans can potentially ease the burden of radiologists during times of high resource utilisation. However, deep learning models are not trusted in the clinical routine due to failing silently on out-of-distribution (OOD) data. We propose a lightweight OOD detection method that leverages the Mahalanobis distance in the feature space and seamlessly integrates into state-of-the-art segmentation pipelines. The simple approach can even augment pre-trained models with clinically relevant uncertainty quantification. We validate our method across four chest CT distribution shifts and two magnetic resonance imaging applications, namely segmentation of the hippocampus and the prostate. Our results show that the proposed method effectively detects far- and near-OOD samples across all explored scenarios.

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