Detecting Invalid Map Merges in Lifelong SLAM

Matthias Holoch, Gerhard Kurz, Peter Biber

For Lifelong SLAM, one has to deal with temporary localization failures, e.g., induced by kidnapping. We achieve this by starting a new map and merging it with the previous map as soon as relocalization succeeds. Since relocalization methods are fallible, it can happen that such a merge is invalid, e.g., due to perceptual aliasing. To address this issue, we propose methods to detect and undo invalid merges. These methods compare incoming scans with scans that were previously merged into the current map and consider how well they agree with each other. Evaluation of our methods takes place using a dataset that consists of multiple flat and office environments, as well as the public MIT Stata Center dataset. We show that methods based on a change detection algorithm and on comparison of gridmaps perform well in both environments and can be run in real-time with a reasonable computational cost.

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