Hyperbolic Graph Representation Learning: A Tutorial

Min Zhou, Menglin Yang, Lujia Pan, Irwin King

Graph-structured data are widespread in real-world applications, such as social networks, recommender systems, knowledge graphs, chemical molecules etc. Despite the success of Euclidean space for graph-related learning tasks, its ability to model complex patterns is essentially constrained by its polynomially growing capacity. Recently, hyperbolic spaces have emerged as a promising alternative for processing graph data with tree-like structure or power-law distribution, owing to the exponential growth property. Different from Euclidean space, which expands polynomially, the hyperbolic space grows exponentially which makes it gains natural advantages in abstracting tree-like or scale-free graphs with hierarchical organizations. In this tutorial, we aim to give an introduction to this emerging field of graph representation learning with the express purpose of being accessible to all audiences. We first give a brief introduction to graph representation learning as well as some preliminary Riemannian and hyperbolic geometry. We then comprehensively revisit the hyperbolic embedding techniques, including hyperbolic shallow models and hyperbolic neural networks. In addition, we introduce the technical details of the current hyperbolic graph neural networks by unifying them into a general framework and summarizing the variants of each component. Moreover, we further introduce a series of related applications in a variety of fields. In the last part, we discuss several advanced topics about hyperbolic geometry for graph representation learning, which potentially serve as guidelines for further flourishing the non-Euclidean graph learning community.

Knowledge Graph



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