Optimizing Wi-Fi Channel Selection in a Dense Neighborhood

Yonatan Vaizman, Hongcheng Wang

In dense neighborhoods, there are often dozens of homes in close proximity. This can either be a tight city-block with many single-family homes (SFHs), or a multiple dwelling units (MDU) complex (such as a big apartment building or condominium). Each home in such a neighborhood (either a SFH or a single unit in a MDU complex) has its own Wi-Fi access point (AP). Because there are few (typically 2 or 3) non-overlapping radio channels for Wi-Fi, neighboring homes may find themselves sharing a channel and competing over airtime, which may cause bad experience of slow internet (long latency, buffering while streaming movies, etc.). Wi-Fi optimization over all the APs in a dense neighborhood is highly desired to provide the best user experience. We present a method for Wi-Fi channel selection in a centralized way for all the APs in a dense neighborhood. We describe how to use recent observations to estimate the potential-pain matrix - for each pair of APs, how much Wi-Fi-pain would they cause each other if they were on the same channel. We formulate an optimization problem - finding a channel allocation (which channel each home should use) that minimizes the total Wi-Fi-pain in the neighborhood. We design an optimization algorithm that uses gradient descent over a neural network to solve the optimization problem. We describe initial results from offline experiments comparing our optimization solver to an off-the-shelf mixed-integer-programming solver. In our experiments we show that the off-the-shelf solver manages to find a better (lower total pain) solution on the train data (from the recent days), but our neural-network solver generalizes better - it finds a solution that achieves lower total pain for the test data (tomorrow).

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