Numerical analysis of the SIMP model for the topology optimization of minimizing compliance in linear elasticity

Ioannis P. A. Papadopoulos

We study the finite element approximation of the solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) model for the topology optimization of the compliance of a linearly elastic structure. To ensure the existence of a minimizer to the infinite-dimensional problem, we consider two popular restriction methods: $W^{1,p}$-type regularization and density filtering. Previous results prove weak(-*) convergence in the solution space of the material distribution to an unspecified minimizer of the infinite-dimensional problem. In this work, we show that, for every isolated minimizer, there exists a sequence of finite element minimizers that strongly converges to the minimizer in the solution space. As a by-product, this ensures that there exists a sequence of unfiltered discretized material distributions that does not exhibit checkerboarding.

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