On Negative Sampling for Contrastive Audio-Text Retrieval

Huang Xie, Okko Räsänen, Tuomas Virtanen

This paper investigates negative sampling for contrastive learning in the context of audio-text retrieval. The strategy for negative sampling refers to selecting negatives (either audio clips or textual descriptions) from a pool of candidates for a positive audio-text pair. We explore sampling strategies via model-estimated within-modality and cross-modality relevance scores for audio and text samples. With a constant training setting on the retrieval system from [1], we study eight sampling strategies, including hard and semi-hard negative sampling. Experimental results show that retrieval performance varies dramatically among different strategies. Particularly, by selecting semi-hard negatives with cross-modality scores, the retrieval system gains improved performance in both text-to-audio and audio-to-text retrieval. Besides, we show that feature collapse occurs while sampling hard negatives with cross-modality scores.

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