Piano Learning and Improvisation Through Adaptive Visualisation and Digital Augmentation

Jordan Aiko Deja

The task of learning the piano has been a centuries-old challenge for novices, experts and technologists. Several innovations have been introduced to support proper posture, movement, and motivation, while sight-reading and improvisation remain the least-explored areas. In this PhD, we address this gap by redesigning the piano augmentation as an interactive and adaptive space. Specifically, we will explore how to support learners with adaptive visualisations through a two-pronged approach: (1) by designing adaptive visualisations based on the proficiency of the learner to support regular piano playing and (2) by assisting them with expert annotations projected on the piano to encourage improvisation. To this end, we will build a model to understand the complexities of learners' spatiotemporal data and use these to support learning. We will then evaluate our approach through user studies enabling practice and improvisation. Our work contributes to how adaptive visualisations can push music instrument learning and support multi-target selection tasks in immersive spaces.

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