Variational Characterization of Monotone Nonlinear Eigenvector Problems and Geometry of Self-Consistent-Field Iteration

Zhaojun Bai, Ding Lu

This paper concerns a class of monotone eigenvalue problems with eigenvector nonlinearities (mNEPv). The mNEPv is encountered in applications such as the computation of joint numerical radius of matrices, best rank-one approximation of third-order partial symmetric tensors, and distance to singularity for dissipative Hamiltonian differential-algebraic equations. We first present a variational characterization of the mNEPv. Based on the variational characterization, we provide a geometric interpretation of the self-consistent-field (SCF) iterations for solving the mNEPv, prove the global convergence of the SCF, and devise an accelerated SCF. Numerical examples from a variety of applications demonstrate the theoretical properties and computational efficiency of the SCF and its acceleration.

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