Generic Cryo-CMOS Device Modeling and EDACompatible Platform for Reliable Cryogenic IC Design

Zewei Wang, Zhidong Tang, Yumeng Yuan, Ao Guo, Xin Luo, Renhe Chen, Chengwei Cao, Linlin Liu, Zhenghang Zhi, Weican Wu, Yingjia Guo, Yongqi Hu, Liujiang Yu, Ganbing Shang, Jing Chen, Jianshi Tang, Shaojian Hu, Shoumian Chen, Yuhang Zhao, Xufeng Kou

The capability of data processing in quantum computers relies on the CMOS-based cryogenic control and storage systems. This paper outlines the establishment of the generic cryogenic CMOS database in which key electrical parameters and the transfer characteristics of MOSFETs are characterized as functions of device size, temperature /frequency responses, and variation/mismatch statistics. Thanks to the process design kit generated from the cryoCMOS compact model, the cryogenic 4 kb SRAM and 5-bit flash ADC are designed, and their performance at low temperatures are readily evaluated and optimized on the EDAcompatible platform, hence laying a solid foundation for practical large-scale quantum computer design.

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