Winner Determination Algorithms for Graph Games with Matching Structures

Tesshu Hanaka, Hironori Kiya, Hirotaka Ono, Kanae Yoshiwatari

Cram, Domineering, and Arc Kayles are well-studied combinatorial games. They are interpreted as edge-selecting-type games on graphs, and the selected edges during a game form a matching. In this paper, we define a generalized game called Colored Arc Kayles, which includes these games. Colored Arc Kayles is played on a graph whose edges are colored in black, white, or gray, and black (resp., white) edges can be selected only by the black (resp., white) player, although gray edges can be selected by both black and white players. We first observe that the winner determination for Colored Arc Kayles can be done in $O^*(2^n)$ time by a simple algorithm, where $n$ is the order of a graph. We then focus on the vertex cover number, which is linearly related to the number of turns, and show that Colored Arc Kayles, BW-Arc Kayles, and Arc Kayles are solved in time $O^*(1.4143^{\tau^2+3.17\tau})$, $O^*(1.3161^{\tau^2+4{\tau}})$, and $O^*(1.1893^{\tau^2+6.34{\tau}})$, respectively, where $\tau$ is the vertex cover number. Furthermore, we present an $O^*((n/\nu+1)^{\nu})$-time algorithm for Arc Kayles, where $\nu$ is neighborhood diversity. We finally show that Arc Kayles on trees can be solved in $O^* (2^{n/2})(=O(1.4143^n))$ time, which improves $O^*(3^{n/3})(=O(1.4423^n))$ by a direct adjustment of the analysis of Bodlaender et al.'s $O^*(3^{n/3})$-time algorithm for Node Kayles.

Knowledge Graph



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