Multi-Scenario Bimetric-Balanced IoT Resource Allocation: An Evolutionary Approach

Jiashu Wu, Hao Dai, Yang Wang, Zhiying Tu

In this paper, we allocate IoT devices as resources for smart services with time-constrained resource requirements. The allocation method named as BRAD can work under multiple resource scenarios with diverse resource richnesses, availabilities and costs, such as the intelligent healthcare system deployed by Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT-IHC). The allocation aims for bimetric-balancing under the multi-scenario case, i.e., the profit and cost associated with service satisfaction are jointly optimised and balanced wisely. Besides, we abstract IoT devices as digital objects (DO) to make them easier to interact with during resource allocation. Considering that the problem is NP-Hard and the optimisation objective is not differentiable, we utilise Grey Wolf Optimisation (GWO) algorithm as the model optimiser. Specifically, we tackle the deficiencies of GWO and significantly improve its performance by introducing three new mechanisms to form the BRAD-GWA algorithm. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on realistic HIT-IHC IoT testbeds and several algorithms are compared, including the allocation method originally used by HIT-IHC system to verify the effectiveness of the BRAD-GWA. The BRAD-GWA achieves a 3.14 times and 29.6% objective reduction compared with the HIT-IHC and the original GWO algorithm, respectively.

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