Deep Learning Methods for Software Requirement Classification: A Performance Study on the PURE dataset

Fatemeh Khayashi, Behnaz Jamasb, Reza Akbari, Pirooz Shamsinejadbabaki

Requirement engineering (RE) is the first and the most important step in software production and development. The RE is aimed to specify software requirements. One of the tasks in RE is the categorization of software requirements as functional and non-functional requirements. The functional requirements (FR) show the responsibilities of the system while non-functional requirements represent the quality factors of software. Discrimination between FR and NFR is a challenging task. Nowadays Deep Learning (DL) has entered all fields of engineering and has increased accuracy and reduced time in their implementation process. In this paper, we use deep learning for the classification of software requirements. Five prominent DL algorithms are trained for classifying requirements. Also, two voting classification algorithms are utilized for creating ensemble classifiers based on five DL methods. The PURE, a repository of Software Requirement Specification (SRS) documents, is selected for our experiments. We created a dataset from PURE which contains 4661 requirements where 2617 requirements are functional and the remaining are non-functional. Our methods are applied to the dataset and their performance analysis is reported. The results show that the performance of deep learning models is satisfactory and the voting mechanisms provide better results.

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