A new technology perspective of the Metaverse: its essence, framework and challenges

Feifei Shi, Huansheng Ning, Xiaohong Zhang, Rongyang Li, Qiaohui Tian, Shiming Zhang, Yuanyuan Zheng, Yudong Guo, Mahmoud Daneshmand

The Metaverse depicts a parallel digitalized world where virtuality and reality are fused. It has economic and social systems like those in the real world and provides intelligent services and applications. In this paper, we introduce the Metaverse from a new technology perspective, including its essence, corresponding technical framework, and potential technical challenges. Specifically, we analyze the essence of the Metaverse from its etymology and point out breakthroughs promising to be made in time, space, and contents of the Metaverse by citing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Subsequently, we conclude four pillars of the Metaverse, named ubiquitous connections, space convergence, virtuality and reality interaction, and human-centered communication, and establish a corresponding technical framework. Additionally, we envision open issues and challenges of the Metaverse in the technical aspect. The work proposes a new technology perspective of the Metaverse and will provide further guidance for its technology development in the future.

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