High Speed Convoy in Unstructured Indoor Environments

Namya Bagree, Charles Noren, Damanpreet Singh, Matthew Travers, Bhaskar Vundurthy

Practical operations of coordinated fleets of mobile robots in different environments reveal benefits of maintaining small distances between robots as they move at higher speeds. This is counter-intuitive in that as speed increases, increased distances would give robots a larger time to respond to sudden motion variations in surrounding robots. However, there is a desire to have lower inter-robot distances in examples like autonomous trucks on highways to optimize energy by vehicle drafting or smaller robots in cluttered environments to maintain communication, etc. This work introduces a model based control framework that directly takes non-linear system dynamics into account. Each robot is able to follow closer at high speeds because it makes predictions on the state information from its adjacent robots and biases it's response by anticipating adjacent robots' motion. In contrast to existing controllers, our non-linear model based predictive decentralized controller is able to achieve lower inter-robot distances at higher speeds. We demonstrate the success of our approach through simulated and hardware results on mobile ground robots.

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