Analysis of Male and Female Speakers' Word Choices in Public Speeches

Md Zobaer Hossain, Ahnaf Mozib Samin

The extent to which men and women use language differently has been questioned previously. Finding clear and consistent gender differences in language is not conclusive in general, and the research is heavily influenced by the context and method employed to identify the difference. In addition, the majority of the research was conducted in written form, and the sample was collected in writing. Therefore, we compared the word choices of male and female presenters in public addresses such as TED lectures. The frequency of numerous types of words, such as parts of speech (POS), linguistic, psychological, and cognitive terms were analyzed statistically to determine how male and female speakers use words differently. Based on our data, we determined that male speakers use specific types of linguistic, psychological, cognitive, and social words in considerably greater frequency than female speakers.

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