CryptoHalal: An Intelligent Decision-System for Identifying Halal and Haram Cryptocurrencies

Shahad Al-Khalifa

In this research, we discussed a rising issue for Muslims in today world that involves a financial and technical innovation, namely: cryptocurrencies. We found out through a questionnaire that many Muslims are having a hard time finding the jurisprudence rulings on certain cryptocurrencies. Therefore, the objective of this research is to investigate and identify features that play a part in determining the jurisprudence rulings on cryptocurrencies. We have collected a dataset containing 106 cryptocurrencies classified into 56 Halal and 50 Haram cryptocurrencies, and used 20 handcrafted features. Moreover, based on these identified features, we designed an intelligent system that contains a Machine Learning model for classifying cryptocurrencies into Halal and Haram.

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