Multi-domain Cooperative SLAM: The Enabler for Integrated Sensing and Communications

Jie Yang, Chao-Kai Wen, Xi Yang, Jing Xu, Tao Du, Shi Jin

Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) provides user tracking and environmental mapping capabilities, enabling communication systems to gain situational awareness. Advanced communication networks with ultra-wideband, multiple antennas, and a large number of connections present opportunities for deep integration of sensing and communications. First, the development of integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) is reviewed in this study, and the differences between ISAC and traditional communication are revealed. Then, efficient mechanisms for multi-domain collaborative SLAM are presented. In particular, research opportunities and challenges for cross-sensing, cross-user, cross-frequency, and cross-device SLAM mechanisms are proposed. In addition, SLAM-aided communication strategies are explicitly discussed. We prove that the multi-domain cooperative SLAM mechanisms based on hybrid sensing and crowdsourcing can considerably improve the accuracy of localization and mapping in complex multipath propagation environments through numerical analysis. Furthermore, we conduct testbed experiments to show that the proposed SLAM mechanisms can achieve decimeter-level localization and mapping accuracy in practical scenarios, thereby proving the application prospect of multi-domain collaborative SLAM in ISAC.

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