Quantum computing is a hotspot technology for its potential to accelerate specific applications by exploiting quantum parallelism. However, current physical quantum computers are limited to a relatively small scale, simulators based on conventional machines are significantly relied on to perform quantum computing research. The straightforward array-based simulators require a tremendous amount of memory that increases exponentially with respect to the number of qubits. To mitigate such computing resource concerns, decision diagram based simulators were proposed that can efficiently exploit data redundancies in quantum states and operations. In this paper, we study two classes of quantum circuits on which the state-of-the-art decision diagram based simulators failed to perform well in terms of simulation time. We also propose a simple and powerful reorder trick to boost the simulation of such quantum circuits. Preliminary evaluation results demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed trick. Especially, for the Quantum Phase Estimation circuits, the proposed trick achieved speedups up to 313.6x compared to a state-of-the-art approach that relies on an auxiliary tool to optimize simulation order.