Multistep feature aggregation framework for salient object detection

Xiaogang Liu Shuang Song

Recent works on salient object detection have made use of multi-scale features in a way such that high-level features and low-level features can collaborate in locating salient objects. Many of the previous methods have achieved great performance in salient object detection. By merging the high-level and low-level features, a large number of feature information can be extracted. Generally, they are doing these in a one-way framework, and interweaving the variable features all the way to the final feature output. Which may cause some blurring or inaccurate localization of saliency maps. To overcome these difficulties, we introduce a multistep feature aggregation (MSFA) framework for salient object detection, which is composed of three modules, including the Diverse Reception (DR) module, multiscale interaction (MSI) module and Feature Enhancement (FE) module to accomplish better multi-level feature fusion. Experimental results on six benchmark datasets demonstrate that MSFA achieves state-of-the-art performance.

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