Structural constrained virtual histology staining for human coronary imaging using deep learning

Xueshen Li, Hongshan Liu, Xiaoyu Song, Brigitta C. Brott, Silvio H. Litovsky, Yu Gan

Histopathological analysis is crucial in artery characterization for coronary artery disease (CAD). However, histology requires an invasive and time-consuming process. In this paper, we propose to generate virtual histology staining using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images to enable real-time histological visualization. We develop a deep learning network, namely Coronary-GAN, to transfer coronary OCT images to virtual histology images. With a special consideration on the structural constraints in coronary OCT images, our method achieves better image generation performance than the conventional GAN-based method. The experimental results indicate that Coronary-GAN generates virtual histology images that are similar to real histology images, revealing the human coronary layers.

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