An Improved Parameterized Algorithm for Treewidth

Tuukka Korhonen, Daniel Lokshtanov

We give an algorithm that takes as input an $n$-vertex graph $G$ and an integer $k$, runs in time $2^{O(k^2)} n^{O(1)}$, and outputs a tree decomposition of $G$ of width at most $k$, if such a decomposition exists. This resolves the long-standing open problem of whether there is a $2^{o(k^3)} n^{O(1)}$ time algorithm for treewidth. In particular, our algorithm is the first improvement on the dependency on $k$ in algorithms for treewidth since the $2^{O(k^3)} n^{O(1)}$ time algorithm given by Bodlaender and Kloks [ICALP 1991] and Lagergren and Arnborg [ICALP 1991]. We also give an algorithm that given an $n$-vertex graph $G$, an integer $k$, and a rational $\varepsilon \in (0,1)$, in time $k^{O(k/\varepsilon)} n^{O(1)}$ either outputs a tree decomposition of $G$ of width at most $(1+\varepsilon)k$ or determines that the treewidth of $G$ is larger than $k$. Prior to our work, no approximation algorithms for treewidth with approximation ratio less than $2$, other than the exact algorithms, were known. Both of our algorithms work in polynomial space.

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