Information-guided pixel augmentation for pixel-wise contrastive learning

Quan Quan, Qingsong Yao, Jun Li, S. Kevin Zhou

Contrastive learning (CL) is a form of self-supervised learning and has been widely used for various tasks. Different from widely studied instance-level contrastive learning, pixel-wise contrastive learning mainly helps with pixel-wise tasks such as medical landmark detection. The counterpart to an instance in instance-level CL is a pixel, along with its neighboring context, in pixel-wise CL. Aiming to build better feature representation, there is a vast literature about designing instance augmentation strategies for instance-level CL; but there is little similar work on pixel augmentation for pixel-wise CL with a pixel granularity. In this paper, we attempt to bridge this gap. We first classify a pixel into three categories, namely low-, medium-, and high-informative, based on the information quantity the pixel contains. Inspired by the ``InfoMin" principle, we then design separate augmentation strategies for each category in terms of augmentation intensity and sampling ratio. Extensive experiments validate that our information-guided pixel augmentation strategy succeeds in encoding more discriminative representations and surpassing other competitive approaches in unsupervised local feature matching. Furthermore, our pretrained model improves the performance of both one-shot and fully supervised models. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose a pixel augmentation method with a pixel granularity for enhancing unsupervised pixel-wise contrastive learning.

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