Automatic Eye-in-Hand Calibration using EKF

Aditya Ramakrishnan, Chinmay Garg, Haoyang He, Shravan Kumar Gulvadi, Sandeep Keshavegowda

In this paper, a self-calibration approach for eye-in-hand robots using SLAM is considered. The goal is to calibrate the positioning of a robotic arm, with a camera mounted on the end-effector automatically using a SLAM-based method like Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). Given the camera intrinsic parameters and a set of feature markers in a work-space, the camera extrinsic parameters are approximated. An EKF based measurement model is deployed to effectively localize the camera and compute the camera to end-effector transformation. The proposed approach is tested on a UR5 manipulator with a depth-camera mounted on the end-effector to validate our results.

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