A Compendium of Control-Oriented Models of Gas Processing Equipment Components

Sven Brüggemann, Robert H. Moroto, Robert R. Bitmead

This work provides linear control-oriented state space models of gas flow through standard equipment, such as valves, compressors, manifolds and non-trivial pipe geometries. After presenting the catalog of components, we show how to interconnect them: we briefly recall the matrix methodology derived elsewhere, accompanied by a Matlab example for a gas loop; secondly for the same example we provide an alternative approach using Matlab's connect function. All the aforementioned models are suited to model-based MIMO control design tools as they are in state-space form and they can be physically parametrized. Conservation of mass is the source of the algebraic constraints in and is a property subsumed in these new models. This is characterized by model transfer function properties at frequency zero. Each of the component models is shown to posses this property.

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