Serial Chain Hinge Support for Soft, Robust and Effective Grasp

Dario Stuhne, Jelena Vuletic, Marsela Car, Matko Orsag

This paper presents a serial chain hinge support, a rigid but flexible structure that improves the mechanical performance and robustness of soft-fingered grippers. Gravity can reduce the integrity of soft fingers in horizontal approach, resulting in lower maximum payload caused by a large deflection of fingers. To substantiate our claim we performed several experiments on payload and deflection of the SofIA gripper under both horizontal and vertical approach. In addition, we show that this reinforcement does not impede the original compliant behavior of the gripper, maintaining the original kinematic model functionality. We showcase the proprioceptive and exteroceptive capabilities (RGB-D camera and flex sensor) for two opposing manipulation problems: grasping small and large objects. Finally, we validated the improved SofIA gripper in agricultural and everyday activities.

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