Enabling Autonomous Teams and Continuous Deployment at Scale

Torgeir Dingsøyr, Magne Jørgensen, Frode Odde Carlsen, Lena Carlström, Jens Engelsrud, Kine Hansvold, Mari Heibø-Bagheri, Kjetil Røe, Karl Ove Vika Sørensen

In this article, we give advice on transitioning to a more agile delivery model for large-scale agile development projects based on experience from the Parental Benefit Project of the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. The project modernized a central part of the organizations IT portfolio and included up to ten development teams working in parallel. The project successfully changed from using a delivery model which combined traditional project management elements and agile methods to a more agile delivery model with autonomous teams and continuous deployment. This transition was completed in tandem with the project execution. We identify key lessons learned which will be useful for other organizations considering similar changes and report how the new delivery model reduced risk and opened up a range of new possibilities for delivering the benefits of digitalization.

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