For large-scale data fitting, the least-squares progressive-iterative approximation (LSPIA) methods were proposed by Lin et al. (SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2013, 35(6):A3052-A3068) and Deng et al. (Computer-Aided Design, 2014, 47:32-44), where the constant step sizes were used. In this work, we further accelerate the LSPIA method in the sense of a Chebyshev semi-iterative scheme and present an asynchronous LSPIA (ALSPIA) method to fit data points. The control points in ALSPIA are updated by utilizing an extrapolated variant and an adaptive step size is chosen according to the roots of Chebyshev polynomials. Our convergence analysis reveals that ALSPIA is faster than the original LSPIA method in both cases of singular and nonsingular least-squares fittings. Numerical examples show that the proposed algorithm is feasible and effective.