Falsification of Learning-Based Controllers through Multi-Fidelity Bayesian Optimization

Zahra Shahrooei, Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Ali Baheri

Simulation-based falsification is a practical testing method to increase confidence that the system will meet safety requirements. Because full-fidelity simulations can be computationally demanding, we investigate the use of simulators with different levels of fidelity. As a first step, we express the overall safety specification in terms of environmental parameters and structure this safety specification as an optimization problem. We propose a multi-fidelity falsification framework using Bayesian optimization, which is able to determine at which level of fidelity we should conduct a safety evaluation in addition to finding possible instances from the environment that cause the system to fail. This method allows us to automatically switch between inexpensive, inaccurate information from a low-fidelity simulator and expensive, accurate information from a high-fidelity simulator in a cost-effective way. Our experiments on various environments in simulation demonstrate that multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization has falsification performance comparable to single-fidelity Bayesian optimization but with much lower cost.

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