On the generalized Hamming weights of hyperbolic codes

Eduardo Camps-Moreno, Ignacio García-Marco, Hiram H. López, Irene Márquez-Corbella, Edgar Martínez-Moro, Eliseo Sarmiento

A hyperbolic code is an evaluation code that improves a Reed-Muller because the dimension increases while the minimum distance is not penalized. We give the necessary and sufficient conditions, based on the basic parameters of the Reed-Muller, to determine whether a Reed-Muller coincides with a hyperbolic code. Given a hyperbolic code, we find the largest Reed-Muller containing the hyperbolic code and the smallest Reed-Muller in the hyperbolic code. We then prove that similarly to Reed-Muller and Cartesian codes, the $r$-th generalized Hamming weight and the $r$-th footprint of the hyperbolic code coincide. Unlike Reed-Muller and Cartesian, determining the $r$-th footprint of a hyperbolic code is still an open problem. We give upper and lower bounds for the $r$-th footprint of a hyperbolic code that, sometimes, are sharp.

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