Modeling social resilience: Questions, answers, open problems

Frank Schweitzer, Georges Andres, Giona Casiraghi, Christoph Gote, Ramona Roller, Ingo Scholtes, Giacomo Vaccario, Christian Zingg

Resilience denotes the capacity of a system to withstand shocks and its ability to recover from them. We develop a framework to quantify the resilience of highly volatile, non-equilibrium social organizations, such as collectives or collaborating teams. It consists of four steps: (i) \emph{delimitation}, i.e., narrowing down the target systems, (ii) \emph{conceptualization}, .e., identifying how to approach social organizations, (iii) formal \emph{representation} using a combination of agent-based and network models, (iv) \emph{operationalization}, i.e. specifying measures and demonstrating how they enter the calculation of resilience. Our framework quantifies two dimensions of resilience, the \emph{robustness} of social organizations and their \emph{adaptivity}, and combines them in a novel resilience measure. It allows monitoring resilience instantaneously using longitudinal data instead of an ex-post evaluation.

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